

Employee Spotlight: David Loar


职称: IT风险经理
地点: 罗姆尼的分支
任职期间: 27年
Where did you grow up? I am from Eckhart Mines, Maryland.
Tell us about your hobbies. I like to travel and have been to 26 countries and much of the U.S. 照片graphy has always been a passion of mine, 包括宏观, location portrait and landscape photography. I enjoy woodworking and woodturning, and I plan to build an acoustic guitar this spring. I play acoustic guitar and am attempting to learn old Celtic music. I love to cook and try new recipes. I also enjoy cycling and swimming and have done triathlons for the past 30 years.

What is your favorite personal mantra or motto? "照片graphy is the only language that can be understood anywhere in the world."
What is your favorite quote or line from a movie? "Do. 或者不. 没有尝试." –Yoda, Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
What is the best piece of advice you received growing up? "Talent is a gift, but character is a choice.——约翰·麦克斯韦
What's your go-to productivity tip or trick? My go-to productivity tip is to gather as much information as possible, organize it and then develop a plan. Use categorized checklists to mark progress.
What is the most interesting or favorite aspect of your job? I have enjoyed being involved with technology and living in a rural area. Farm Credit has been a great place to work!
What are your favorite weekend activities? I enjoy working on a wood project, taking a bike ride or gardening on the weekends in the Spring/Summer. I also enjoy spending time with my granddaughter.

List and describe any clubs or organizations that you are actively involved in. I am involved in the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) which provides IT professionals with a knowledge base, 凭证, training and community in risk, as well as the Financial 体育彩票正规app下载 Information Sharing and Analysis Center (FS-ISAC) which provides a knowledge base and community for IT risk and cybersecurity. 最后, I am a member of the Association of Continuity Professionals (ACP) which provides a knowledge base, training and community for organizational resilience.

2023年11月, to honor Farm Credit of the Virginias' team members with military backgrounds, we asked veteran employees to answer questions specific to their experience in the military. We're proud to employee a number of individuals who have bravely served our country and we value the impact their military experience brings to their current role at Farm Credit.

What branch did you serve in? 我在海军服过役.
Where were you located during your service? I was stationed in Newport, RI.
What was your primary job specialty after training? My primary specialty was surface warfare.


Why did you choose your branch of service? The Navy offers more technical disciplines.
What motivated you to join the military? 爱国主义, 职业生涯的开始, education and travel were all factors that motivated me to join the military.
How does your military experience impact your role at Farm Credit? My time in the Navy was crucial character building for areas like integrity, 责任, structure and perseverance, which I bring to my role and the workplace.


Tell us about some of the people you met during your service that left a lasting impression. I was at a training school with a Marine that served with Force Recon on one of the teams during the 1980's Iran hostage crisis. 他是我的好朋友. I also had a good friend in NROTC that went into Naval Intelligence and later NCIS. I served for a short time onboard the USS Kittiwake ASR13, which is one of the ships that recovered wreckage from the space shuttle Challenger disaster. I also had the opportunity to be onboard the USS Enterprise CVN-65.
What are you most proud of from your time in the service? I am most proud of playing a small role in serving our country’s national defense and serving with some amazing people.

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